Disaster Recovery

1 in 5 companies don’t have a disaster recovery plan.

Why do you need disaster recovery?

With paper-based working practices becoming obsolete, our reliance on technology for daily roles and duties has never been as high. But as your company’s digital footprint increases, so too does the risk of major interruption if infrastructure or services go offline. Is your business prepared for that?.

Think of disaster recovery like your company’s contingency plan for if a meteor was to crash into your office or there was a huge chemical spill that obliterated your devices. Okay, maybe not that dramatic – but the principle remains the same. Disaster recovery focuses on how you’ll resume work and reduce interruptions in the eventuality of a data loss disaster.

Not having disaster recovery in place can have serious consequences; almost half of businesses (43 percent) who don’t have a DR plan go out of business after a major data loss, and if the situation last more than ten days, 93 percent of businesses will be bankrupt within 12 months.

Whether you’re starting from scratch or are looking to improve your existing plan, you need the right team of collaborators on your side. If you don’t have the right skills, expertise or time to manage your company’s disaster recover, we offer Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) to help you plan for worst case scenarios.

Other Backup & Disaster Recovery Services

Server Backup

Disaster Recovery

Office 365


Disaster recovery built around your company

Following a thorough audit of your IT systems, we’ll assess possible risks, identify critical assets and compare the options available that are suitable for your business needs.

Invisible protection

Enterprise-level technology discreetly performs all services needed to install, manage, failover, and recover key business operations in the event of a disaster.

Forward planning

Prevention is better than the cure and an effective disaster recovery service should continually analyse potential threats and identify unwanted events to maintain your IT system’s optimal condition.

Hacks to prevent hackers

Through ethical hacking, or penetration testing, our team can simulate a cyber attack to check for any vulnerabilities and how efficiently your disaster recovery plan responds.

Crisis management

If something goes wrong, we’ll deploy and co-ordinate our expert technicians to fully manage the recovery process to get you back up and running as quickly as possible.

Increase productivity

By assigning disaster recovery roles and responsibilities to 1101, your staff can crack on with other important tasks rather than waiting with bated breath for if disaster was to strike.