
49% of businesses say outsourcing their IT functions frees up key resources to focus on their core business.

Why do you need team-care?

The pinnacle of IT support, a fully managed service is a combination of managing and monitoring key IT systems tailored to the needs of your business.

Technology will always continue to change, as will your business. Ensuring your IT systems are kept up to date can be a battle at the best of times. Add to the mix multiple devices at various locations, increased security threats and disaster situations, and you end up with a regular wrestling match against your current IT system.

But before you power out, change tactics and let someone else tackle your tech concerns so you can get back into the ring with what matters.

The best MSPs work collaboratively with companies and should help not hinder your business. We’ll audit your company and get to know how it works before working with you to devise a plan of action. Whether you’re looking for software, hardware or workstation management, to improve your company’s IT security, or backup your digital assets using cloud-based options, we offer a comprehensive on-boarding program to protect each user within your organisation. By integrating more user-friendly IT systems into your business structure, you’ll find your company culture transforms organically and innovative ways of working prevail.

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IT designed around your company

Following a full IT audit, we’ll work with your company’s needs, ideas and budgets to design a strategy to move your business forward.

Manageable and flexible costs

You’ll get everything an in-house IT department can provide and more, but at a fraction of the cost.

Constant monitoring, alerting and action

Our experts take full responsibility for your company’s IT function so you can focus on what you do best – growing and expanding your business.

Best technology available

Software and programs are constantly updating, but you’ll receive enterprise-level protection and services without having to remember a single update.

Simplify and optimise your existing systems

Our experts not only monitor and report on your IT systems, but their knowledgebase means they can also advise on practices to improve productivity.

Keep your date safe and secure

Data is one of the most valuable assets in a tech-driven world. Remote monitoring and management can drastically reduce the risk of a data breach.